
Ultra Pro Enzyme Spotter ( 12×1 qt. / case )


*Prices in U.S. Dollars

Ready to use non-concentrate (1x12qt/case)

SKU: F3000ES Category:


Multi-purpose biological digester / odor counteractant

Do not dilute. For heavily soiled areas, remove gross filth first. Apply Enzyme Spotter to an areas about twice as large as the visible stain. Use a spotting brush to gently work spotter into the area and wait at least 2 minutes. Blot or extract area to remove visible stains. For urine or other foul odors, re-apply the Enzyme Spotter to the area, work in with the spotting brush, and allow to air dry. If possible, cover the area with a moist white towel for several hours.

Best For: Use to remove urine, food protein, dairy, bodily fluid, vomit.

  • Spice fragrance. The pH levels vary from 7-8
  • Shelf life is up to 12 months
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